Pottery Introduction This is my story and I'm sticking to it! Gallery listings,and online gallery of wood fired and ash glazed pottery Contact Information, Directions, and Map Online pottery shop Craft Show, Classes, Workshops, and Other Events Sites of interest
In the Gallery  Gallery 1  Gallery 2  Gallery 3  WoodFired Gallery  MedievalGallery  Guinomi Gallery
Medieval pottery
Medieval pottery
Medieval pottery
J. B. P. LogoJeff Brown Pottery
Medieval Raeren Stoneware Pottery

Click on a picture for a larger image

Medieval pottery

Raeren Stoneware

This collection of pottery was created for the Company of the Wolfe Argent , and in response to the request of several of my friends and customers that are members of  SCA (Society for Creative Anachronism). 

The designs are interpretations of original examples, diagrams, and photographs of Raeren pottery of the 15th century. 

                         ONLINE SALES

 now at:  www.jeffbrownpottery.esty.com

I will be happy to reproduce pottery from a time period that suits your needs.

Please email jeff@jeffbrownpottery.com
to order

Dimensions given are approximate sizes
All pots are available by order, and in other colors

Medieval pottery
Medieval pottery

Pitcher, Cup and Ewer Gallery Casserole Gallery Vase Gallery Another Vase Gallery Wood Fired Pottery
J.B.P. Logo

Jeff Brown

505 E Main St
Seagrove, NC 27341
Website Design By ~Jeff Brown (a long time ago) ~

Pottery Introduction This is my story and I'm sticking to it! Gallery listings,and online gallery of wood fired and ash glazed pottery Contact Information, Directions, and Map Online pottery shop Craft Show, Classes, Workshops, and Other Events Sites of interest